Scharf et al. Pediatrics in Review 2016 Milestone Category

Receptive Language

Milestone Name Expected Age
Startles to voice/sound 1
Alerts to voice/sound 2
Regards speaker 3
Orients head in direction of a voice 4
Stops crying to soothing voice 4
Begins to respond to name 5
Stops momentarily to “no” 6
Gestures for “up” 6
Looks toward familiar object when named 7
Attends to music 7
Responds to “Come here” 8
Looks for family members, “Where’s mama?”... etc 8
Enjoys gesture games 9
Orients to name well 9
Orients to bell 9
Enjoys peek-aboo 10
Waves “bye-bye” back 10
Stops activity when told “no” 11
Bounces to music 11
Follows one-step command with gesture 12
Recognizes names of two objects and looks when named 12
Looks appropriately when asked, “Where’s the ball?” 13
Follows one-step command without gesture 14
Points to one body part 15
Points to one object of three when named 15
Gets object from another room upon demand 15
Points to five to six body parts 22
Points to one picture when named 16
Points to two of three objects when named 18
Points to three body parts 18
Points to self 18
Understands “mine” 18
Points to familiar people when named 18
Points to three pictures 20
Begins to understand her/him/me 20
Points to four to five pictures when named 22
Points to four pieces of clothing when named 22
Follows two-step command 24
Understands me/you 24
Points to 5 to 10 pictures 24
Understands “just one” 28
Follows two prepositions: “put block in ... on box” 30
Understands actions words: “playing... washing... blowing” 30
Understands three prepositions 33
Understands dirty, wet 33
Points to objects by use: “ride in ... put on feet ... write with” 33
Points to parts of pictures (nose of cow, door of car) 36
Names body parts with function 36
Understands negatives 36
Groups objects (foods, toys) 36
Follows three-step commands 48
Points to things that are the same versus different 48
Names things when actions are described (eg, swims in water, you cut with it, it’s something you read, it tells time...) 48
Understands adjectives: bushy, long, thin, pointed 48
Uses 300 to 1,000 words 48
Tells stories 48
100% intelligibility 48
Uses “feeling” words 48
Uses words that tell about time 48
Knows right and left on self 60
Points to different one in a series 60
Understands “er” endings (eg, batter, skater) 60
Understands adjectives: busy, long, thin, pointed 60
Enjoys rhyming words and alliterations 60
Produces words that rhyme 60
Points correctly to “side,” “middle,” “corner” 60
Asks what unfamiliar words mean 72
Can tell which words do not belong in a group 72
Understands simple commands, “Bring to mommy” 16