Scharf et al. Pediatrics in Review 2016 Milestone Category


Milestone Name Expected Age
Discriminates mother’s voice 1
Cries out of distress 1
Reciprocal smiling: responds to adult voice and smile 2
Expression of disgust (sour taste, loud sound) 3
Visually follows person who is moving across a room 3
Smiles spontaneously at pleasurable sight/sound 4
Stops crying at parent voice 4
To and fro alternating vocalizations 4
Recognizes caregiver visually 5
Forms attachment relationship to caregiver 5
Stranger anxiety (familiar versus unfamiliar people) 6
Looks from object to parent and back when wanting help (eg, with a wind-up toy) 7
Lets parents know when happy versus upset 8
Engages in gaze monitoring: adult looks away and child follows adult glance with own eyes 8
Uses sounds to get attention 9
Separation anxiety 9
Follows a point, “Oh look at ...” 9
Recognizes familiar people visually 9
Experiences fear 10
Looks preferentially when name is called 10
Gives objects to adult for action after demonstration (lets adult know he or she needs help) 11
Shows objects to parent to share interest 12
Points to get desired object (protoimperative pointing) 12
Shows desire to please caregiver 13
Solitary play 13
Functional play 13
Points at object to express interest (protodeclarative pointing) 14
Purposeful exploration of toys through trial and error 14
Shows empathy (someone else cries, child looks sad) 15
Hugs adult in reciprocation 15
Recognizes without a demonstration that a toy requires activation; hands it to adult if can’t operate 15
Kisses by touching lips to skin 16
Periodically visually relocates caregiver 16
Self-conscious; embarrassed when aware of people observing 16
Passes M-CHAT 18
Engages in pretend play with other people (eg, tea party, birthday party) 18
Begins to show shame (when does wrong) and possessiveness 18
Begins to have thoughts about feelings 20
Engages in tea party with stuffed animals 20
Kisses with pucker 20
Watches other children intensely 22
Begins to show defiant behavior 22
Parallel play 24
Begins to mask emotions for social etiquette 24
Reduction in separation anxiety 28
Imitates adult activities (eg, sweeping, talking on phone) 30
Begins to take turns 33
Tries to help with household tasks 33
Starts to share with/without prompt 36
Fears imaginary things 36
Imaginative play 36
Uses words to describe what someone else is thinking (“Mom thought I was asleep”) 36
Deception: interested in “tricking” others and concerned about being tricked by others 48
Has a preferred friend 48
Labels happiness, sadness, fear, and anger in self 48
Group play 48
Has group of friends 60
Apologizes for mistakes 60
Responds verbally to good fortune of others 60
Has best friend of same sex 72
Plays board games 72
Distinguishes fantasy from reality 72
Wants to be like friends and please them 72
Enjoys school 72